Moonstruck Bernedoodles
About the Breeder

Thank you for visiting Moonstruck Bernedoodles. I hope you have found the information on this site useful in your search for the perfect addition to your family. If you have not visited all the pages, I encourage you to take some time and get to know who I am and what I have to offer you as a breeder of Bernedoodles. My name is Kimberly Dorrington. I am a professional dog trainer and a self-proclaimed Crazy Dog Lady. I have been training both professionally and as a hobby (I compete in several different dog sports) since 2002. In this time I have accumulated a great deal of experience in technical obedience training and behaviour modification. I co-own a commercial doggy daycare that sees 25+ dogs/day and teach obedience classes both in groups and one-on-one private lessons.
If you would like to get to know me better, check out my other sites:
If you would like to get to know me better, check out my other sites:

Unlike other breeders I am not just a breeder, I am a dog professional. Dogs are my life, my career, my hobby, my sun and moon and everything else in between. My passion is to bring people and dogs great happiness by helping them understand each other and by providing as much educational resources as I possibly can. I have an extreme passion for breeding. I find it exhilarating and soul satisfying. I love seeing the happiness that a dog can bring to an individual or family. This is why I have chosen the Bernedoodle. Admittedly, the German Shepherd is my one true love. If this is the case, you ask, then why not breed German Shepherds? Well, to tell you the truth, the kind of German Shepherd I love are extreme dogs that come from military, police and sport lines. These dogs have been bred for dominance and aggression and to be "a lot of dog". The average person can not handle a dog like this. When handled properly they are amazing animals, capable of great accomplishments and companionship, but often they are let down by their owners. They become aggressive, territorial, difficult to manage and as a result you have disappointed/frustrated owners and a dog that is miserable. I refuse to contribute to an animal's unhappiness. I have bred litters in the past and have sold all my puppies to wonderful homes, but the anxiety associated with finding those perfect people and hoping everything goes the way it is supposed is soul-twisting.
Enter the Bernedoodle. I board and train dogs for extended periods and then send them back to their owners once training has finished. I usually see about 20 dogs per year board and train with me. Recently, the Bernedoodle has been creeping into popularity and I have had quite a few. I have to admit, the combination of breeds (in particularly the Bernese Mountain Dog / Australian Labradoodle) is one of the best mixes with consistently great temperaments. I have found these dogs to be wonderful. After training quite a few from different breeders, I made the decision to start a Bernedoodle breeding program because I feel that they represent everything a family could want in a dog: an intelligent and easily trained dog with a fantastic temperament; that is extremely tolerant, patient and forgiving; that is low or non-shedding and is teddy-bear adorable. Bernedoodles are the modern family's perfect choice in a canine companion.
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