Moonstruck Bernedoodles
Puppy Pricing
The price of a Moonstruck Bernedoodle includes:
Eight weeks of extensive nurturing, socializing, teaching, exposing and desensitizing, clicker training and more. We raise our puppies using Puppy Culture protocols. This is an incredible undertaking that leaves a lifelong impression on our puppies. This is one of the major things that sets Moostruck Bernedoodles apart from other breeders. The investment of time into our puppies that is more than just loving and caring for them but EDUCATING them so they can be the best puppy they can possibly be.
First set of vaccination & de-worming
Puppies receive their first Distemper/Parvo (DAP) combo vaccination between 7 and 8 weeks of age. They are examined by a licensed veterinarian at the time of vaccination and a health certificate issued. Puppies are dewormed multiple times with Safeguard to reduce and/or eliminate any pesky roundworms (theses are VERY common in puppies so nothing to worry about!).
Moonstruck has partnered with Trupanion to offer your puppy protection the moment he leaves Moonstruck's possession. There are no waiting periods and there are no obligations to continue the coverage after the four weeks has passed. It is a very wise idea to hold some kind of health insurance policy on your new puppy for the first 2 years. This is the period that most accidents happen - swallowing things, breaking bones, etc. A broken bone can very easily run toward $10,000... ask me how I know, haha!
Microchipped with my information (you can make changes to the file once you have your puppy!). This way if your puppy ever gets lost he can be identified and find his/her way home to you or to me.
Extensive manuals (with accompanying videos) on training, housebreaking, socializing, feeding/caring with all the theory you could ever want and step-by-step checklists to keep you on track.
Going away bag with a blanket that smells like his family to help him adjust in his new home, a toy, leash and a collar and some food (puppies are fed raw so if you are shipping your puppy raw food will not accompany the dog).
The following prices apply to ALL Moonstruck Doodles:
Australian Bernedoodles, Aussie Mountain Doodles & Golden Mountain Doodles, both furnished and unfurnished.
Prices are subject to Canadian Taxes based on the province you reside in.
Prices are subject to change.
Australian Bernedoodles, Aussie Mountain Doodles & Golden Mountain Doodles, both furnished and unfurnished.
Prices are subject to Canadian Taxes based on the province you reside in.
Prices are subject to change.
Some of these are not currently clickable. I am working on an upgrade.
Why are your Bernedoodles so expensive?!

Professional services and product at professional rates. If you want a quality product from a professional you pay more... it's that simple really!
No one freaks out when they hire a professional caterer, a professional gardener, a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer etc. Everyone accepts that funerals are expensive, cars are expensive, airplane tickets are expensive, gas is ridiculous... you can't go see a movie or have dinner for less than $50, a decent hotel is well over $100. The amount of money I spend on groceries is next to criminal and every time I walk into the vet I can't walk out for under $200... and that's on a cheap day!!
So, why is it that people expect a quality bred dog that is from a superb background, healthy, and sound of mind to cost $500? There are groups on the internet lobbying to "Stop Puppy Mills", and yet they target ALL breeders. So, basically you are in bed with the Devil whether you are a responsible, amazing, dog loving, professional breeder or not.
If you turn a profit breeding dogs you have bought yourself a one-way, flaming ticket of evil right to Satan's lair and you deserve to rot in hell for eternity.
I don't care who you are. You do what you do, professionally, to make money. That's life. If you are lucky you love what you do and you get the payback out of it. If you're not lucky, you are miserable at your job and get up every morning hating your life... but you have to do it to survive. Love it or hate it, you have no choice.
The average Neurologist makes around $300k/year. Average. Some make more. Do you begrudge him/her? I'll bet if you need a tumor yanked out of your brain you want the guy who makes a half mil every year doing it, not the guy who's making $65k.
The average mechanic charges (this is Canada people!) $75/hour.
The average lawyer charges $200/hour.
Journeyman plumber? $90/hour. Master Plumber? $200/hour
Stuff and services cost money, People!!!
There is an incredible amount of investment in both time and money that a serious breeder pours into their breeding program. The price of your puppy reflects the value of what you are getting. Keep in mind, also, that there are many hidden expenses that you, the average person, have absolutely no concept of:
*Breeding stock: Is purchased at a higher rate than regular pet stock (or it should be if you are not breeding "crap dogs"). The dog must be raised, socialized, trained, cared for, vetted, and health tested. This takes TIME and MONEY. If the dog doesn't pass health testing, even one, all of that time and money and energy goes down the toilet and the breeder has to start again.
*The breeder's dogs never go away. They are not just baby machines you pull out of the closet when you decide you want to have a litter!! They are (supposed to be) the breeder's pets and companions. They cost money. They get sick, they get hurt, they need random surgeries for eating a corn cob and it getting suck in their intestines -$2, 400 (this happened to me), they get everyday illnesses like pneumonia (a complication from kennel cough that one of my dogs contracted at an obedience trial) which cost me 3 nail biting days in the hospital and over
$3, 000. They romp in the bush and slice themselves open and need emergency surgery because, of course, it HAD to slice a vein!! They pester the cat and get their cornea scratched and need antibiotics. Your son feeds the 12lb dog thirty grapes and you can't get him to vomit the "home remedy way" so you have to haul him into the vet before he dies from kidney failure from a grape overdose!!! They eat - I feed a raw meat diet and go through TEN pounds of meat a day! There's a substantial price difference from Old Roy at Walmart. They need parasite control. Need I go on? I have a million stories over 15 years... I really could go on. These are the parents of YOUR future puppy! They don't cost nothing to keep!
*Breeding isn't exactly easy. Do you have any concept of how much time it takes to raise a litter of puppies correctly? Never mind the expense right now, the effort and the time poured into each litter of puppies would blow your mind. They are loud, they are dirty, they make a mess (especially when they are eating), they smell, they need constant attention and specialized handling and early training so they come to you as educated pupies, they need to be kept very clean (this is next to impossible, you have to be on top of it all the time). Next, there is the time invested into each and every puppy buyer and potential puppy buyers. I can easily be on the phone for an hour. And the e-mails and the zillions of questions and requests that have to be addressed. There's the puppy pictures and the updates to the families waiting for their new friend. They are excited and want pictures and videos and more pictures! Is my time worth nothing? Am I donating it? The hours that I spend each and every day, feeding, playing with, medicating, weighing, assessing, teaching, communicating with cusomers is worth something. You don't work for free, why should a dog breeder?
*What about when a puppy gets sick? What about when a whole litter gets sick? This happens. Sometimes the illness is idiopathic, meaning the Vet has no idea what's wrong... but they still charge for their time and their professionalism, don't they? What happens if the mother falls ill? What if she needs a c-section? Multiples doses of worming medication, vaccinations, microchips, laundry, raw food, garbage fees, toys, specialized cleaning supplies for kennels (cleaners that kill viruses, etc.), electricity for heat and/or A/C, staffing expenses.... the list is endless.
*What about warranties? Breeders do have to honour their health guarantees. Should this come out of their personal pocket or the business account? Should your breeder have to forgo a mortgage payment because they sell their dogs for so little that when they honour a health guarantee it hurts them financially? Do you feel good about that? Or would you say, "That's the cost of doing business." I took a dog back once, that had serious elbow dysplasia. I could have euthanized him. Instead, I chose to drop nearly $5, 000 in corrective surgery so he could have a life. I brought him into the world and he deserved to live. That came out of the business account and I wrote it off. It still sucked, don't get me wrong. But if that was coming out of my personal pocket... I wouldn't have been able to do it. The fact that I make money as a dog professional saved his life.
Professional breeders are breeding because they LOVE dogs, they LOVE their dogs, they find great joy and satisfaction at creating little lives that enrich other lives (their new families) and bring a lifetime of joy and cherished memories to people. Professional breeders pride themselves on their ethics and the knowledge they have to offer others.
It is not a crime to turn a profit in anything. It's HOW you achieve that profit that dictates who you are and what moral ground you stand on. The dog breeding world is, without a doubt, corrupted and can be nothing short of despicable. I know. Trust me. I know things that would boil your blood... it boils mine. There are NO - I repeat: ZERO, ZILCH, NADA - regulatory bodies that ensure dog breeders hold themselves to an expected standard. THIS is the discongruity that sets other professional services apart from the dog breeders. There are professional regulatory bodies for nearly any service/product you could think of, but there is NOTHING (don't kid yourself about breed registries, they are nothing but paper pushers) that regulates dog breeders' actions and behaviour. Breeders can do and say whatever they want, blissfully, with no fear of consequence. You don't like it? Too bad.
The only way this is going to change is if the consumer wakes up, gets educated and makes a stand. There needs to be a mass effort/movement by the consumer to demand that ALL breeders hold themselves to a higher standard, that puppy mills - the real ones, the ones that cage dogs in their own filth and use them as baby machines - be squeezed out of existence because the consumer is educated enough to choose an ethical breeder who breeds with responsibility and professionalism. It is a consumer driven, unregulated industry that preys on the uneducated to turn a profit. Mills and unprofessional back-yard-breeders (BYBs) rely on people's ignorance to make easy money, selling dog from unhealth tested, questionably tempered dogs, that are raised as cheap as possible with only the bare minimum in time and effort put forward. They are rewarded time and time again by the consumer who is ignorant of the warning signs of a 'bad breeder'. So, why wouldn't these people make an easy buck making dog babies?
Professional, responsible and ethical dog breeders are NOT the problem. The consumer is the problem. Stop puppy mills? Stop ignorant dog buy practices and the puppy mills and BYBs will go away all on their own.
You the consumer can do your part. If you are buying a puppy - any puppy - don't just grab the first one you can get your hands on for the cheapest. Do yourself, your dog and the entire canine species a favour: support the good breeders who give a shit and financially suffocate the ones who don't. Get educated. Demand a higher standard. Demand to see health testing, proof of temperament and how the dogs live their everyday lives. Today the internet leaves no excuses for ignorance.
Making money is not a crime. It's HOW you make it. Wouldn't you agree?
Rant over ;)
No one freaks out when they hire a professional caterer, a professional gardener, a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer etc. Everyone accepts that funerals are expensive, cars are expensive, airplane tickets are expensive, gas is ridiculous... you can't go see a movie or have dinner for less than $50, a decent hotel is well over $100. The amount of money I spend on groceries is next to criminal and every time I walk into the vet I can't walk out for under $200... and that's on a cheap day!!
So, why is it that people expect a quality bred dog that is from a superb background, healthy, and sound of mind to cost $500? There are groups on the internet lobbying to "Stop Puppy Mills", and yet they target ALL breeders. So, basically you are in bed with the Devil whether you are a responsible, amazing, dog loving, professional breeder or not.
If you turn a profit breeding dogs you have bought yourself a one-way, flaming ticket of evil right to Satan's lair and you deserve to rot in hell for eternity.
I don't care who you are. You do what you do, professionally, to make money. That's life. If you are lucky you love what you do and you get the payback out of it. If you're not lucky, you are miserable at your job and get up every morning hating your life... but you have to do it to survive. Love it or hate it, you have no choice.
The average Neurologist makes around $300k/year. Average. Some make more. Do you begrudge him/her? I'll bet if you need a tumor yanked out of your brain you want the guy who makes a half mil every year doing it, not the guy who's making $65k.
The average mechanic charges (this is Canada people!) $75/hour.
The average lawyer charges $200/hour.
Journeyman plumber? $90/hour. Master Plumber? $200/hour
Stuff and services cost money, People!!!
There is an incredible amount of investment in both time and money that a serious breeder pours into their breeding program. The price of your puppy reflects the value of what you are getting. Keep in mind, also, that there are many hidden expenses that you, the average person, have absolutely no concept of:
*Breeding stock: Is purchased at a higher rate than regular pet stock (or it should be if you are not breeding "crap dogs"). The dog must be raised, socialized, trained, cared for, vetted, and health tested. This takes TIME and MONEY. If the dog doesn't pass health testing, even one, all of that time and money and energy goes down the toilet and the breeder has to start again.
*The breeder's dogs never go away. They are not just baby machines you pull out of the closet when you decide you want to have a litter!! They are (supposed to be) the breeder's pets and companions. They cost money. They get sick, they get hurt, they need random surgeries for eating a corn cob and it getting suck in their intestines -$2, 400 (this happened to me), they get everyday illnesses like pneumonia (a complication from kennel cough that one of my dogs contracted at an obedience trial) which cost me 3 nail biting days in the hospital and over
$3, 000. They romp in the bush and slice themselves open and need emergency surgery because, of course, it HAD to slice a vein!! They pester the cat and get their cornea scratched and need antibiotics. Your son feeds the 12lb dog thirty grapes and you can't get him to vomit the "home remedy way" so you have to haul him into the vet before he dies from kidney failure from a grape overdose!!! They eat - I feed a raw meat diet and go through TEN pounds of meat a day! There's a substantial price difference from Old Roy at Walmart. They need parasite control. Need I go on? I have a million stories over 15 years... I really could go on. These are the parents of YOUR future puppy! They don't cost nothing to keep!
*Breeding isn't exactly easy. Do you have any concept of how much time it takes to raise a litter of puppies correctly? Never mind the expense right now, the effort and the time poured into each litter of puppies would blow your mind. They are loud, they are dirty, they make a mess (especially when they are eating), they smell, they need constant attention and specialized handling and early training so they come to you as educated pupies, they need to be kept very clean (this is next to impossible, you have to be on top of it all the time). Next, there is the time invested into each and every puppy buyer and potential puppy buyers. I can easily be on the phone for an hour. And the e-mails and the zillions of questions and requests that have to be addressed. There's the puppy pictures and the updates to the families waiting for their new friend. They are excited and want pictures and videos and more pictures! Is my time worth nothing? Am I donating it? The hours that I spend each and every day, feeding, playing with, medicating, weighing, assessing, teaching, communicating with cusomers is worth something. You don't work for free, why should a dog breeder?
*What about when a puppy gets sick? What about when a whole litter gets sick? This happens. Sometimes the illness is idiopathic, meaning the Vet has no idea what's wrong... but they still charge for their time and their professionalism, don't they? What happens if the mother falls ill? What if she needs a c-section? Multiples doses of worming medication, vaccinations, microchips, laundry, raw food, garbage fees, toys, specialized cleaning supplies for kennels (cleaners that kill viruses, etc.), electricity for heat and/or A/C, staffing expenses.... the list is endless.
*What about warranties? Breeders do have to honour their health guarantees. Should this come out of their personal pocket or the business account? Should your breeder have to forgo a mortgage payment because they sell their dogs for so little that when they honour a health guarantee it hurts them financially? Do you feel good about that? Or would you say, "That's the cost of doing business." I took a dog back once, that had serious elbow dysplasia. I could have euthanized him. Instead, I chose to drop nearly $5, 000 in corrective surgery so he could have a life. I brought him into the world and he deserved to live. That came out of the business account and I wrote it off. It still sucked, don't get me wrong. But if that was coming out of my personal pocket... I wouldn't have been able to do it. The fact that I make money as a dog professional saved his life.
Professional breeders are breeding because they LOVE dogs, they LOVE their dogs, they find great joy and satisfaction at creating little lives that enrich other lives (their new families) and bring a lifetime of joy and cherished memories to people. Professional breeders pride themselves on their ethics and the knowledge they have to offer others.
It is not a crime to turn a profit in anything. It's HOW you achieve that profit that dictates who you are and what moral ground you stand on. The dog breeding world is, without a doubt, corrupted and can be nothing short of despicable. I know. Trust me. I know things that would boil your blood... it boils mine. There are NO - I repeat: ZERO, ZILCH, NADA - regulatory bodies that ensure dog breeders hold themselves to an expected standard. THIS is the discongruity that sets other professional services apart from the dog breeders. There are professional regulatory bodies for nearly any service/product you could think of, but there is NOTHING (don't kid yourself about breed registries, they are nothing but paper pushers) that regulates dog breeders' actions and behaviour. Breeders can do and say whatever they want, blissfully, with no fear of consequence. You don't like it? Too bad.
The only way this is going to change is if the consumer wakes up, gets educated and makes a stand. There needs to be a mass effort/movement by the consumer to demand that ALL breeders hold themselves to a higher standard, that puppy mills - the real ones, the ones that cage dogs in their own filth and use them as baby machines - be squeezed out of existence because the consumer is educated enough to choose an ethical breeder who breeds with responsibility and professionalism. It is a consumer driven, unregulated industry that preys on the uneducated to turn a profit. Mills and unprofessional back-yard-breeders (BYBs) rely on people's ignorance to make easy money, selling dog from unhealth tested, questionably tempered dogs, that are raised as cheap as possible with only the bare minimum in time and effort put forward. They are rewarded time and time again by the consumer who is ignorant of the warning signs of a 'bad breeder'. So, why wouldn't these people make an easy buck making dog babies?
Professional, responsible and ethical dog breeders are NOT the problem. The consumer is the problem. Stop puppy mills? Stop ignorant dog buy practices and the puppy mills and BYBs will go away all on their own.
You the consumer can do your part. If you are buying a puppy - any puppy - don't just grab the first one you can get your hands on for the cheapest. Do yourself, your dog and the entire canine species a favour: support the good breeders who give a shit and financially suffocate the ones who don't. Get educated. Demand a higher standard. Demand to see health testing, proof of temperament and how the dogs live their everyday lives. Today the internet leaves no excuses for ignorance.
Making money is not a crime. It's HOW you make it. Wouldn't you agree?
Rant over ;)
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